The GUIDES CANINS kennel can accommodate up to 60 dogs. Our enclosures are 4ft x 6ft with access to five large fenced yards.
We are committed to taking care of your dog in your absence and treating them with consideration and respect according to their needs and their personality. We will ensure their safety and well-being by providing them with a safe, hygienic, temperature and ventilation controlled environment. We will provide them with vigilant, conscientious and competent supervision.
Our boarding model is one where the dogs play and interact together on all of their outings! Dogs are assessed and assigned to a playgroup based on their size, age, and level of activity and energy. Your dog should be social and enjoy being with (not just tolerate!) other dogs!
Dogs who are more selective with their friends, those who prefer human company to restless encounters (the shy, the anxious, very small breeds, geriatric dogs) will benefit from our adapted service of accompanied individual outings and human time.
Note that we reserve the privilege of deciding if the dog needs individual boarding. It is even possible that his status may change from one stay to another or even during the same stay.
Regular boarding: $44 + tx/ calendar day
Individual outings boarding: $67 + tx/calendar day
Regular boarding: $54 + tx/ calendar day
Individual outings boarding: $77 + tx/calendar day
*The first day benefits from a 22$ +tx rebate. The last day is charged in full.
**High season: Spring break (February 22 to March 15), summer vacation (June 22 to September 1), long weekends (Easter, National Patriots’ Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving), Christmas and end of year (December 23 to January 7).
The second dog from the same family housed in the same enclosure benefits from a 50% discount on the boarding price.
20% discount on the board price for long stays (30 days and more)
Note that prices may change without notice.

To book your dog’s first stay, take a moment to create your account and complete your dog’s file. This information is very important and will help us take good care of your dog. Subsequent reservations can be made by phone or email or by going into your propet customer file.
Receipt of the form will be confirmed to you with an automated email. We will need a copy of your dog’s vaccination certificate to complete his file. You will receive a confirmation email with more details one to two weeks before the stay.
Cancellation policy
LOW SEASON: 48 hours notice otherwise penalty of 25% of the board price of the stay.
HIGH SEASON (not including Christmas holidays): 7 days notice otherwise penalty of 25% of the board price of the stay.
CHRISTMAS/NEW YEARS: Cancellation free of charge before December 1st. Full payment for boarding stays must be made at the time of booking or before December 1st. There will be no refunds for canceled or shortened stays.

During his stay, your dog may receive extra services for, nail trimming, daily brushings, or grooming. You can also take the opportunity to train him in obedience or agility to refresh exercises or to introduce them to a new sport! You can also simply opt for your dog to get special time with us like playing ball or trail walks!
Fees apply and are added to the cost of the stay:
- Human time (walking, games): $17
- Training: $23/15 minutes
- Educational boarding program: $44
- Brushing: $17/15 minutes
- Grooming: price to be determined depending on the service
- Brush teeth: $4
- Cut nails: $12
- Clean ears: $10
- Empty anal glands: $20
- Care: administration of medication, cleaning of wounds, application of cream, injections, prescribed treatments: $2 per minute

Dog boarding is not only useful for long holidays! We also offer educational daycare programs based on the age of the dogs. The packages include a minimum of 6 outings for your dog, which includes 2×15 minutes sessions of daily training (eg: basic commands, recall, canine sports, mental stimulation exercises) and a15 minute session of human time (eg: walking in the forest, ball games, brushing , etc) in addition to their daily outings.
Here are our programs:
For puppies under 18 weeks
Suggested program: Basic commands, cleanliness, chewing management, socialization and supervised play periods with other dogs,
The Boot Camp
For teenage and adult dogs
Suggested program: Basic commands, tricks, walking on leash, not jumping on people.
The Sports Program
For teenage and adult dogs
Suggested program: Introduction to 2 canine sports of your choice: Agility, conformation, scent detection, tracking and for dogs over 12 months: frisbee, traction sports (canicourse, bikejoring, skijoring).
The Geriatric
For dogs over 7 years old
Suggested Program: Mental Stimulation, Scent Detection, Massage
Note: Programs are suggestions only! We will work on what is important to you!
Our prices:
Regular season boarding fees for educational boarding $88 + tx/day
High season boarding fees for educational boarding $98 + tx/day

Our Daycare programs are offered Monday through Thursday and are a great way to keep your dogs happy and active when you are required to be away from them for the day.
Arrivals: Between 7:30 a.m. and 9 a.m.. Departures between 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Here are our programs:
This program includes 4 daily outings in a playgroup with canine friends.
The dogs are evaluated and assigned to a play group dpeneding on their size, age, activity and energy level. The dogs must enjoy the company of other dogs.
Educational Daycare
This program includes 2 daily outings in a playgroup with canine friedns, as well as a training session and 1 enrichment activity (chewing or mental stimulation)
In regards to training, we offer the same programs as the educational boarding;Discovery for puppies, Bootcamp for adolescences or adults, Intro to sports program for all ages or the Geriatric for older dogs. This educative program is also applicable for dogs who are more selective with their friends or who prefer the company of humans.
Our prices:
35$ + tx per day
2 consecutive days: 28$ + tx per day
3 consecutive days: 22$ + tx per day
Educational Daycare:
60$ + tx per day
2 consecutive days: 54$ + tx per day
3 consecutive days: 48$ + tx per day

Dogs who are to be boarded must be in good health and have received their routine vaccinations according to the schedule discussed and agreed with their veterinarian.
They must also have received the vaccine against canine kennel cough (Bordetella) at least 10 days before their stay and every year. Note that this vaccine is not included in the basic vaccines, you must specifically ask your veterinarian!
We also strongly recommend that all our visitors be protected against fleas, ticks and intestinal parasites.
The vaccination certificate must be present in the file and updated before the arrival of the dog.

Our kennel holds all the necessary operating permits from the City of St-Lazare and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec. The enclosures are made of ceramic with a floor covered with insulating and anti-slip mats, they have tempered glass doors and dividing walls and each has a window with a view of the outside yard. Each enclosure has a locker for the personal effects of each dog. The kennel has its own kitchen for preparing meals with a fridge and a freezer to store homemade, canned or raw food. To visit our kennel please give us a call to make an appointment!
The ventilation system has an air exchanger up to 1000cfm of fresh air with an ultra-violet ray air treatment system to eliminate mold, bacteria, fungi and spores and generate ozone to control odors. Also, four Comfort Zone D.A.P.© (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) diffusers are installed and changed monthly for the comfort and stress management of our boarders.
The yards are fenced at 8 feet and have a cement sidewalk and double gates to prevent runaways. A closed circuit camera system allows surveillance of the kennel and outdoor yards. The kennel is connected to the ADT central for fire alarms. We have an established emergency response and evacuation program and procedures.
Our kennel also holds Anima-Québec certification, an external, independent and credible organization that:
- certifies the quality of the facilities of the certified establishments;
- ensures excellence in animal care;
- guarantees the welfare of the animals kept in these places;
- empowers owners to make an informed choice when caring for their pet.

Meals are served as needed, according to their usual schedule, one, two, three times a day or at will. We will donate the food provided so as not to cause problems with changing the diet.
If your dog ever lacks appetite or has digestive problems (probably related to stress) during his stay, we will offer him Royal Canin Vétérinaire Gastrointestinal© canned or dry food to stimulate his appetite or to control his diarrhea. The food used will be at the customer’s expense.
For dogs that have rather sensitive digestive systems, we highly recommend bringing a few portions of Gastro Interstinal diet food and probiotics. Please discuss this with your veterinarian.
We also administer any dietary supplements or prescribed medications. For residents who eat raw meat, meals must be prepared in individual portions.
Water will be provided and available at all times.

During his stay, your dog will benefit from a minimum of 6 outings per day to stretch his legs and relieve himself.
Dogs with social skills will be out together and can play with friends for part of the day. weather permitting. The length of the outings is determined by the temperature
Dogs that are more selective with their friends or prefer human company to rough encounters (small dogs, geriatric dogs), (shy, anxious, very small breeds, geriatric dogs) will benefit from daily walks in our trails and accompanied outings.

- Collar, leash
- Usual food and special treats
- Supplements and medications (in their original container)
- Bed, blanket, cage if the dog prefers privacy
- Toys, bones, any other personal effects
We’ll provide the bowls, cookies and lots of hugs and kisses!
Please identify your dog’s personal items using personalized labels or a felt-tip pen: bed, blankets, towels, toys. This will help us not to lose them in the wash! If you bring a large cushion, insert waste bags between the cushion and the cover to avoid having to wash the entire cushion in the event of an accident.
We also offer a transportation service from your home to our centre, the cost is based upon where you live:
- Saint-Lazare: 38$ + tx
- Hudson – Rigaud – LesCedres – Coteau: 53$ + tx
- Vaudreuil: 61$ + tx
- Valleyfield – L’Île-Perrot: 75$ + tx
- WestIsland(13) – Beauharnois: 114$ + tx
- Montréal(13) – Laval – Chateauguay – Hawkesbury – Cornwall: 151$ + tx
- Brossard – Terrebonne: 215$ + tx