Details and registration

Rat detection is a sport which is mainly based on the natural instinct of our dogs, this discipline also works on the sense of smell, hearing and the mental activity of our companions.

The practice of this sport is always with respect, safety and well-being of all participating animals. Rats used for sport are trained and accustomed, it’s sort of their job. Their well-being is always respected.

5 weeks/5 classes of 55 minutes
For dogs that are at least 6 months old and have never done rat sports

Rat detection is a sport which is mainly based on the natural instinct of our dogs, this discipline also works on the sense of smell, hearing and the mental activity of our companions.

The practice of this sport is always with respect, safety and well-being of all participating animals. Rats used for sport are trained and accustomed, it’s sort of their job. Their well-being is always respected.
In this course we will introduce the search for rats, learning and perfecting the indication of your dogs, learning different skills related rat sports, perfecting your team, building your dog’s independence in his searches, discriminating tubes, learn the different types of research, prepare for your first competitions and much more!
Semaine du :

January 7
February 17
March 31
May 19

June 30
August 11
September 22
November 3


8:00 to 8:55 p.m.



1:00 to 1:55 p.m.



11:00 to 11:55 a.m.



183.00$ + tx
91.50$ + tx for an additional dog

Special price also available for Breeder. To qualify as a Breeder you must bring several dogs to training classes and refer your local puppy buyers.

5 weeks / 5 classes of 55 minutes 

For dogs that are at least 6 months old and has completed the Introduction class OR is already introduced to rats and litter

Continue learning and perfecting rat sports with your dog! In this intermediate course, we will continue to work on the discrimination between rat and litter tubes, perfect your indication, increase the difficulty of searches, work on your team, increase the confidence and independence of your dog in his searches, teach dogs to look for more than one rat, and many other skills necessary for rat sports, in order to prepare to complete the novice level and even at the advanced level (open) in all associations.
Week of:

January 7
February 17
March 31
May 19

June 30
August 11
September 22
November 3


6:45 to 7:40 p.m.



2:15 to 3:10 p.m.



9:45 to 10:40 a.m.


Nos tarifs

183.00$ + tx
91.50$ + tx for an additional dog

Special price also available for Breeder. To qualify as a Breeder you must bring several dogs to training classes and refer your local puppy buyers.

5 weeks / 5 classes of 55 minutes 

For dogs that have completed the intermediate class OR is able to find more than one rat and do advanced searches.

Continue learning and perfecting rat sports with your dog! In this competitive course, we will increase the complexity of research, work on skills needed at higher levels, introduce new games and types of research from different associations (BHA, ASR and RATS! Canada).
Week of:

January 7
February 17
March 31
May 19

June 30
August 11
September 22
November 3


5:30 to 6:25 p.m.



3:30 to 4:25 p.m.



8:30 to 9:25 a.m.


Nos tarifs

183.00$ + tx
91.50$ + tx for an additional dog

Special price also available for Breeder. To qualify as a Breeder you must bring several dogs to training classes and refer your local puppy buyers.